Aus, USA and Japanese troops to storm Darwin beach

AUS­TRALIAN, Amer­i­can and Japanese troops will storm the beach to­day at Fog Bay, just west of Dar­win.

Dig­gers from the 2nd Bat­tal­ion will test Aus­tralia’s abil­ity to mount a full-blown am­phibi­ous as­sault as part of north Aus­tralia’s Ex­er­cise Tal­is­man Sabre, which in­volves 30,000 sol­diers, marines, sailors and fly­ers from Australia, the USA, New Zealand and Ja­pan.

The test will not only in­volve a success­ful land­ing and as­sault, but also the abil­ity to op­er­ate seam­lessly with a mas­sive force of USA Marines and their vast ar­ray of equip­ment that in­cludes huge hov­er­craft, Har­rier jump jets, Osprey ver­ti­cal take­off air­craft and am­phibi­ous land­ing craft that emerge from the wa­ter like sub­marines with wheels.

The 2nd Bat­tallion has be­come the na­tion’s first truly am­phibi­ous force and while they are not tech­ni­cally Marines the sol­diers are train­ing to spend months at a time on board one of the navy’s three new am­phibi­ous ships.

note: the aussies do still recognise they are not technically working for a foreign military.