USS Emory S. Land visits Darwin as part of naval knowledge-share

A US Navy ship has docked in Darwin, with hundreds of sailors expected to explore the Top End during the routine stopover aimed at enhancing relations between the two allies.

Complete with a barbershop, retro diner, post office, corner store, dentist, and emergency operating theatre, USS Emory S. Land serves as a floating city wherever she is deployed.

“Our mission is to repair, rearm, and resupply deployed submarines and surface ships, both of US and our partner navies,” Captain Brent Spillner said.

“Two thirds of our crew works in the repair department, so maintenance specialists such as welders, electricians, and we’ve also got a very capable weapons department – we’ve got the ability to reload torpedoes, mines, missiles.

“We are self contained, we could go into a very austere, remote port and still provide the same services a ship would have if it were in a major port.”

“Darwin basically marks the midway point for our current secondment. This represents a massive milestone for us in terms of an opportunity to demonstrate all the skills we have, and really be able to contribute to the operation of the ship.”