interoperability - you keep using that word.
interoperability - you keep using that word.
The report describes Darwin as a “resilient, welcoming and united in its support of Defence, Defence personnel and Defence families.” The NT was the only state or Territory government to lodge a submission with the inquiry, which was dominated by aerospace companies and human rights groups.
Australia needs to come clean about its role in the US’s deadly drone program in the wake of allegations that Pine Gap provides information used to locate targets of US drone strikes and the recent reports that two Australians were killed by drone strikes in Yemen. “Drone strikes are not just undermining a rules-based international order, but they are fuelling resentment of Australia and its allies. We need a debate about what exactly Australians are willing to sign up to, what exactly is legal as well as what’s actually in our interest"
Australian government “needs to come clean” about its support for US drone operations. “Thousands of civilians have been killed as a result of US drone strikes. We currently have no way of knowing whether our security forces are supporting unlawful killing of civilians.”
The Pine Gap spy facility is a key element in the US drone war on people that threaten its global empire.